“Ping pong, or as the Chinese say: “Ping pong””
There you go everybody, the only funny (ish) line from 2007’s Balls of Fury! I just saved all of you from seeing it! You can now spend the next hour and a half of your life doing something more productive, like staring at a wall for example. You’re welcome, that’ll be 10 bucks!
Or if you don’t feel like paying me, I will accept compensation in the form of watching our video of us playing the trash Wii game based on said trash movie! We suffered through both, so you owe us THAT MUCH at very least. This couldn’t have been for nothing, I mean, we don’t hate ourselves THAT much, so the very least you could do is watch us suffer while attempting to maintain our sanity.
Jokes aside, as far as licensed games go, this is probably one of the most pointless, shoddy and mismanaged off all the ones we have played (so far). Just look at it. It’s so damn ugly, The gameplay is pedestrian AT BEST, the audio taunts taken straight from the movie are so crusty and pure, and the story mode… THAT STORY MODE! Who thought this was a good idea?! To quote Adam Jenson, “I DIDN’T ASK FOR THIS!”
Me, not asking for this.
Who was this made for? Clearly, it was made for us, so that we could give you this… “gift?” I mean, we ARE masochists, after all. We do love pain… but not like this… not like this…
I hope you all enjoy the video! At least maybe then, SOMEONE will have enjoyed their time with this monstrous abomination.
If you like what you see, worry not! There is plenty more where that came from! Be sure to head on over to our YouTube Channel for more idiotic insanity! And while you’re there, don’t forget to Subscribe so you don’t miss out on future TRASH! Also, you might as well leave some comments while you’re at it and don’t forget to LIKE THAT SMASH BUTTON! EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!1!
Also, we like to make fools of ourselves on Twitch from time to time, too. Head over there now and give us a follow! You can make fun of our inability to play video games LIVE! So have at it! We can take it, I swear!
You can also bother us over on Facebook here if you want. Do kids today even still use Facebook? Whatever, couldn’t hurt, I guess.