
From Entertainment System to Entertainment Center

This is just too cool! Now, I’m sure I’m not the first person to go “man, I love the Switch, but I just wish the screen was BIGGER!” Now, while this might not have been exactly what I (or anyone else for that matter) meant by that, this is the first guy to actually DO something about it. At least, as far as I’m aware.

Now, right away, I’m not a very handy kind of guy. Working with my hands and using power tools, just aren’t my things. I guess maybe that is why this is so much more impressive to me. There’s nothing truly groundbreaking in this video. No carpenter is gonna look at this and take his or her hat off in admiration. But I AM a gamer. And I DO love to not only use my imagination, but to see what other people can do with theirs just as much.

Turning your TV into a giant Nintendo Switch isn’t only a fun idea from a design standpoint, but it ends up being a great idea from a functional standpoint as well. Using a massive Nintendo Switch as a kind of modern art style storage and entertainment center is just awesome! Huh, from entertainment system to entertainment center… I didn’t even intend to write that.

All I know is that I want one! The nerd inside me NEEDS it! It’s the same nerd that felt like sharing it too, so I hope you enjoy Chris Salomone’s video detailing the process behind his latest creation.

If you liked what you just saw as much as I did, you might wanna head on over to YouTube and give Chris Salomone a quick follow and check out the rest of their content.  You’ll be glad you did.

While you’re there, if you would like to see what WE have to offer, you should check out our YouTube Channel as well!  BrainShartStudios:  your one stop shop for top quality internet trash!  Enjoy?

Also, we like to make fools of ourselves on Twitch from time to time, too.  Head over there now and give us a follow!  You can make fun of our inability to play video games LIVE!  So have at it!  We can take it, I swear!

You can also bother us over on Facebook here if you want.  Do kids today even still use Facebook?  Whatever, couldn’t hurt, I guess.

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