River CIty

We Spent a Week in River City, and (Barely) Lived to Tell the Tale!

Day 6:

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? Just when we thought we had enough outdoor sports during our vacation, I guess we thought there was only one thing this trip needed: MORE SPORTS! I’d ask for my money back at this point, but the tickets were free. It’s almost over though, how can things get WORSE? Who will come out on top? Who will provide enough salt to fill an entire cracker factory? Who will win by doing literally almost nothing? How did this game get through QA with SO MANY mistakes? The answer to those questions and more await! Now sit back, and let this epic game of Kunio Party (TM) commence!

Well, ONE of us was really upset about the outcome of this contest. I think we can all agree that the sooner this trip ended, the better. Our fists are all swollen, our legs are rubber, and we each have this increbibly pounding headache. We can’t WAIT to get out of this town! The thing is though, that WE aren’t the only ones who feel that way. God help us…

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